Yoga For Weight Loss

Obesity has always been a concern for people as it causes various physical and mental discomforts. Lack of stamina, difficulty in physical movements, difficulty in breathing are some of the physical troubles that people with the excess weight face. Feeling inferior and stress are the mental uneasiness caused by obesity. Effective planning and the implementation of plans to lose weight is a must to earn back all those comforts. This article brings out one special strategy towards losing weight and that is yoga. Yoga is a vast subject which comprises lot of methods that can help you get rid of excess weight from your body.

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Significance of Yoga

Yoga is not a high intensity exercise that makes you sweat and lose weight. It is a gentle method that tones your body by stretching and breathing mechanisms. Yoga cannot be claimed as a big exercising option as it is of moderate intensity. Very quick weight loss cannot be experienced with this method, but a sizeable change can be made which can be maintained for a very long period of time. With yoga, proper body shape can be toned and weight gain can be moderated.

Yoga postures

The techniques and postures of yoga concentrate mainly on stretching and breathing methods. The breathing induces more metabolisms and the stretching will set up muscle expansions. Though these procedures aid the weight loss process indirectly, it is to be admitted that they are extremely effective in bringing out results. A good frame of mind should be developed in order to take the yoga initiative. The biggest advantage is that yoga is a relaxing way of exercising which as mentioned earlier relieves you from any kind of stress.


Doing yoga stretches your body in good ways. When lean muscles are synthesized, calories in the body get burnt and this is an effective way to lose weight. The stretching exercises make your body to generate more muscles. When muscles use up energy, large amount of calories will be expended and this is the principle behind the stretching methods. Another advantage is that stretching is not a very high intensity exercise and can be easily adopted by anyone. Stretching exercises eases you off from any physical strains as well takes you to a higher level of health.


Proper breathing mechanism helps you to lose weight impressively. Breathing is the mechanism where oxygen intake occurs. Oxygen facilitates the breaking down of food molecules. When there is more supply of oxygen, the more effective will be the respiration process that leads to the exhaustion of calories. Synchronous breathing along with proper stretching is one of the principles of yoga that aids weight loss in a big way. Slow breathing is advised that prompts effective body metabolism.


Yoga is not a new development and these techniques have been in existence for ages. Few new formulations have been developed in the recent past to concentrate on toning the body shape and losing weight. This slight modification and a process of constructive evolution have been mainly developed to suit people in the west and in America who are fighting obesity. Yoga originated in the eastern countries and has been tinkered a bit to suit the habits and daily routines of the people in the west.

Spiritual and Mental Side

The yoga techniques involve more of mental and spiritual factors that influence your body through mind control. Lot depends on how you take up things in mind and apply yourself in following these techniques. You got to believe that you can achieve the goal of losing weight and getting a better body shape. Yoga insists on ways to control body over mind more than any hard fought physical exercises.

Yoga Methods

There are a couple of methods that effectively suits weight loss. The process of weight loss goes well with the yoga techniques but it is very important to choose the right ways of losing weight. The bikram yoga and the astanga yoga are the two popular methods that suit the weight loss ambitions. More information about these postures are discussed below which can be implemented immediately to taste the results.

Bikram Yoga

This is a preferred exercise by sports persons especially the athletes. Many celebrities too opt for this yoga method which drastically burns out calories in the body. One main thing that needs to be practiced is consistency. This yoga should be done for at least ten times for over a period of one month. The Bikram yoga is a combination of aerobic, cardio vascular and fat burning exercises. There will not be enough time gaps to practice this workout. It will take a while to acquaint with the speed of exercises. The key here is to increase the heart rate and burn more amount of fats with this yoga procedure. The comfort that one can feel in the minds while doing this exercise is remarkable. Stress levels can be eased off to a large extent by following this yoga procedure. Weight loss outcomes are sure to happen with the practice of bikram yoga and not only can you tone your mind well you will also increase your patience levels, composure and self control.

Literal Significance

The blood circulation is enhanced with the practice of bikram yoga. With efficient blood circulation, oxygen is supplied to all parts of the body and hence a tremendous improvement in terms of calorie exhaustion can be seen. Muscles will be lively and tender and hence suck more blood to grow. More the muscles grow; more is the exhaustion of the stored stray food molecules and lesser the risk of obesity disorders. Yoga practice does not involve sweating out like those high intensity exercise and can be enjoyed a lot.

Astanga Yoga

These yoga procedures are the ones which concentrate on breathing procedure along with a variety of body postures. Synchronization of breathing along with the body postures attribute to weight loss. The temperature levels of the body go up in doing these yoga exercises which induces profuse sweating. This detoxifies body to a high extent and gets rid of calories. Also, body metabolism shoots up with the practice of Astanga yoga which is the biggest need of the hour to lose weight. Health conditions can be vastly improved and mind can be pretty much improved on the control and tolerance levels.


The above mentioned yoga exercises are by far the best natural remedies that can bring about weight loss; though they work at a slower pace they very importantly come without any side effects. You got to spend more time in doing yoga as the results brought out are not at a fast pace. More than any reason, the best part of the yoga exercise is that it influences your mind in coordination with the body which no other exercise or diet habits can perform. Speaking about the time that needs to be spent, just five hours a week is enough. This is a reasonable amount of time that you can afford to spend for your body.

Important Tips

It is advised that yoga should not be practice by children below the age of twelve and the yoga postures should not be held for long durations. It is best to practice yoga for at least 30 to 40 minutes each day to harvest full benefits. Early morning is the best time for doing yoga Evening schedules can be also be planned occasionally. Doing yoga with empty stomach is necessary. Have solid foods four to five hours before you do the yoga exercises and take liquid foods one hour before practicing yoga and do not take anything for at least one hour before starting with the yoga postures. Practice area should be clean and should be devoid of disturbances. Airy places are preferred. It is a must to do yoga on a mat or a cloth and one should never do it on the bare flooring. Wearing under garments is a must. Vegetarian diet must be followed and try to avoid spicy foods.

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