Change Lifestyle to Avoid Weight Loss Surgery

Avoiding Weight Loss Surgery might be easier than you think!

Success of weight loss surgery is the change of lifestyle forced upon you. Try changing your lifestyle first. Weight loss is not a quick fix. You cannot go on a two-week diet, lose the weight, and then think that the weight will stay off for good. Even if you are really good about following a diet at first, you will more than likely gain the weight back.


It is because a two-week diet does nothing to alter your lifestyle. The best results come from changes that you incorporate into your daily life, and many of these changes are not drastically different from what you do now. By incorporating natural foods and strategies, you will be able to lose the weight you have been hanging onto for good. It is part of changing your lifestyle. Continue to enjoy the foods you love as long as you do so with a wise plan!

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If you make a series of small changes, one at a time, you will give yourself a chance to get used to them. It does not seem like such a shock to your system when you introduce the changes gradually. Sooner than you think, you will lose the weight and gain the healthy body and lifestyle that you desire!

Here are ten weight loss tips to implement into your new lifestyle:

1. Water. Water is at the top of the list for a natural weight loss strategy. It sounds pretty obvious, but the truth is, we do not tend to drink enough water every day. Not only does water flush out toxins and impurities, but it also helps in raising the metabolism, regulating body temperature and keeping our heart and brain healthy

2. Use low fat milk. When you use low fat milk, you will still get the nutritious benefits of milk, but without all the fat grams. Try substituting skim, 1%, or soy milk in your cereal, coffee, and cooking.

3. Cut out soda. Soda is a big offender when it comes to empty calories. The best thing you can do for your body is to replace the soda you are drinking with water. Water is critical to your good health. It also helps fill you up and has zero calories, no matter how much you drink!

4. Choose brown rice over white rice. Why brown rice? The answer is simple, fiber. Brown rice is loaded with fiber. Due to the simple fact that the rice hull is kept intact during its processing, it retains its fiber content. The natural fiber in brown rice allows our systems to run smoother and keeps us full for much longer than low fiber white rice.

5. Start walking. If a regular exercise routine is difficult for you, strive to walk more often. Walking does not feel so much like true exercise, but it is and you will be rewarded for it.

6. Watch your portion sizes. Portion sizes just keep getting larger and larger. You may not even realize that you are consuming a portion that is much too large for you. Look up what a healthy portion size really is for the meal you have chosen. You might be surprised at the results! Start your meals with a full glass of water. Combat over sized portions by using smaller plates. Never take seconds!

7. Choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes. They are not just for Thanksgiving anymore! Sweet potatoes are high in anti-oxidants and vitamins and are absolutely delicious as well.

8. Vegetables. Vegetables are one of the building blocks of good nutrition, and essential to weight loss success. High in vitamins and nutrients, veggies also provide us with energy to sustain us throughout the day. Plus, they have very little sodium, so they reduce bloating and water weight gain. Try to incorporate veggies into your lunches and dinners every day, specifically aim for dark orange and dark green vegetables like squash, spinach, pumpkin, and romaine lettuce. A simple side salad or lettuce and tomato on a sandwich are easy ways to get started.

9. Legumes and beans. The benefits that beans and legumes provide are absolutely outstanding! They are low in fat and high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight loss. They are also extremely heart-healthy.

10. Have desserts sparingly. Save desserts for special occasions or times when you deserve a nice treat. Avoid eating them every day, or you will be adding massive amounts of calories to your daily intake. Fruit is a wonderful addition to any natural weight loss regime. It provides natural energy to make exercising easier and it is loaded with fiber to keep us full and curb cravings. Fruit should be eaten raw to receive its full benefit, especially the fiber.

You can easily turn these 10 tips into healthy habits by incorporating them into your lifestyle one at a time. Get used to one tip before you add another one. Most of them involve only small changes. However, these small changes will enable you to achieve your weight loss goals!

Following through with your decision to lose weight can sometimes seem overwhelming. But if you approach it with a few natural tips and tricks under your belt, you will be that much closer to weight loss success! And you avoid trips to weight loss surgeons!

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